How did you come across this survey?
Social Media
A Publication
General Information
Do you have any tribal affiliation? - If yes, with which tribe are you affiliated?
Full Name - Skip if you would like to answer anonymously, your phone number will be entered into the raffle
Phone Number - This will be your entry into the raffle
Are you ok with receiving texts?
I would like to sign up for the AIT-SCM/CARE Team emailing list for more information about events and resources in the future.
Yes, please send me information.
16-18 yrs
19-24 yrs
25-34 yrs
35-44 yrs
45-64 yrs
65+ yrs
What area of San Antonio do you live in?
South Side
West Side
East Side
What region are you from?
Size of household
How many children, 18 yrs or younger, live in your household?
How many elderly, 65 yrs and up, live in your household?
Do you have Middle School or High School aged children you are interested in enrolling in youth leadership programs?
COVID-19 Vaccination Status Survey
If you answered yes, please rate how motivated you were by the following to get vaccinated for COVID-19:
1 - Not at all
2 - Somewhat
3 - Strongly
N/A - I haven't been vaccinated for COVID-19
If you are able to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and choose to wait, how much is your decision motivated by the following:
1 - Not at all
2 - Somewhat
3 - Strongly
N/A - I am vaccinated for COVID-19
It is important to us to hear your opinions and thoughts about the COVID-19 vaccines. Please let us know more about your perspective regarding the COVID-19 vaccines and why you would or would not find it important to get it. You can be as descriptive as you feel is appropriate. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you so much for all your input, this information will contribute to helping us better understand the perspectives and needs of our community. We gather this information to help the people have a voice and have access to the things they need. Help us help you! We are listening!
To learn more about COVID-19 and the vaccines visit